Your Health is Your Wealth: 9 Advantages of Cardamom Seeds.
"Why is it called the 'Queen of Spices'?"
[caption id="attachment_395" align="alignnone" width="799"] Benefits of Cardamom[/caption]A bit costly but easy to buy from any supermarket, Cardamom is a small, capsule-shaped fruit of a flowering plant. It contains 15 to 20 seeds. It has a unique minty, sweet and spicy aroma.
Normally, Cardamom seeds are used as a spice for flavoring and cooking numerous dishes as well as drinks. So far, Cardamom is the world's third most expensive spice after Vanilla and Saffron. Surprisingly, in places like the Middle East, North Africa and Scandinavia, this spice is cheaper than other spices.
It is used in foods for its aroma rather than its taste, which is sweet-spicy and bitter. The green cardamom pods and its seeds both have more than a handful of health benefits, and are often used in powdered form. It is important to know that once Cardamom seeds are separated from their pods, they lose their aroma. The pods are more aromatic than the seeds themselves.
Cardamom: An Expensive but Effective Spice
Cardamom seeds have long been known for their benefits over the centuries. The use of cardamom pods and seeds provides protection against gastrointestinal complications, bad cholesterol (LDL), and cancer. This unique spice also helps improve blood circulation in the body.
Cardamom, as a powder, is useful for curing dental diseases while, when mixed with other herbs it can be used to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs) such as cystitis and nephritis. Seeds of cardamom have some aphrodisiac characteristics and it is also used to prevent erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
Don't Use Cardamom If You Have Gallstones Problem
It's important to not take cardamom in amounts greater than those found normally in food if you suffer from Gallstones. Cardamom is known to trigger gallstone colic also called spasmodic pain.
Nutritional Value of Cardamom
Cardamom does not contain any cholesterol, along with its seeds a normal size cardamom contains a lot of carbohydrates and energy along with protein and dietary fiber. Green Cardamom is rich in various vitamins and important micronutrients like thiamine, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, iron, and manganese and phosphorous.
What are the key benefits of Cardamom seeds?
1. Cardamom; a Great Anti-Carcinogen
Having antioxidants and antimicrobial properties it may not only help prevent heart diseases it can also prevent cancer. The function of Antioxidants is to help the body fight back against bacterial and viral attacks. Research has proven the cardamom's ability to prevent skin cancer.
2. Cardamom is good for Your Heart
Cardamom contains minerals like potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which are good for your heart rate and also they keep your blood pressure under control. Both cardamom seeds and pods can prevent the risk of blood clots and strokes which can later lead to strokes and heart attacks.
To increase benefits of cardamom, drink two cups of cardamom tea daily.
3. Cardamom Keeps the Cholesterol Controlled
The micro-nutrients and antioxidant enzymes present in cardamom can help lower and control levels of bad cholesterol in the body. On top of that, Cardamom is a good diuretic agent (increased passing of urine). This helps to eliminate toxins from the body.
4. A Natural Anti-Depressant
Cardamom plant has been used as an anti-depressant herb for centuries. It provides relief for depression. It also acts as a cure for various diseases ranging from stomach disorders to lung disease.
Oil extracted from Cardamom is used in aromatherapy.
5. A Capsule to Cure Urinary Disorders
Cardamom is used as a remedy for urinary tract diseases and infections such as cystitis, nephritis, and gonorrhea.
6. Protection Against Stomach Illnesses
For centuries, cardamom has been a remedy for stomach disorders. A solution extracted from cardamom is a component that helps to control intestinal disorders such as acidity, 'gassiness', and stomach cramps.
Studies conducted by different researchers in India have concluded that the cardamom oils are perfect for alleviating stomach relate conditions.
7. Antimicrobial Benefits
If used regularly, infection-fighting and anti-microbial properties found in cardamom helps get rid of some very dangerous and microscopic organisms known to cause food poisoning.
8. Cardamom Prevents Muscle Spasms
Older people often become the victim of muscle spasms and contraction of the muscles resulting in a sudden emergence of pain. Researchers have concluded that cardamom can be used as an ingredient for controlling and preventing muscle spasms. Daily use of cardamom prevents these sore tendons and muscle spasms.
9. A Natural Remedy for Dental Diseases
Traditional Chinese medicine includes the use of cardamom for dealing with dental problems. This has been common practice over the various dynasties in centuries passed. Both Cardamom pods and seed are the best source of Cineole. This compound, present in the spice, is a strong antiseptic which prevents bad breath and tooth decay by killing bacteria.
Cardamom is a tried, tested and proven spice. Centuries of use and recent research can give you the much needed peace-of-mind that its benefits are real.The Bonus!
Has Cardamom just become your favorite spice but there's none near you? Don't worry, here are two high quality brands that we personally recommend: 1. Simply Organic Cardamom, 2.82 Ounce 2. Cardamom (Ground) photo credit: A Quest Ended via photopin (license)
Your Health is Your Wealth: 9 Advantages of Cardamom Seeds.
Reviewed by Unknown
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